
Here is a selection of messages since we launched the site. Please continue to give your comments and feedback by email. Many thanks.


Dear Borin Van Loon,
I am writing to ask about using your illustration of Graham Greene to illustrate Graham Greene's author page on LibraryThing (
LibraryThing is a website that allows people to catalogue their personal libraries, discover new books and connect with others who share their tastes. It is an open, collaborative project, driven by readers like me.
Every author with a book catalogued on LibraryThing has an author page. Many of these include photographs or other images of the author.
Here's Graham Greene's author page:
Your illustration of Graham Greene that I would like to upload to that page. Would you be willing to give me permission to do so? I will, of course, include any credit or copyright notice that you require.
I can also post links to your homepage, blog, interviews and articles, if you'd like.
Thank you for your time!
Sincerely, Jonathan Glassow
Ps:  I've looked at several other illustrations of Graham Greene on oter web pages, but your illustration reaaly captures Greene's facial features.

 By the way, I have to say I loved your Surrealist illustrations of the hands coming out of the orifices of those faces. It must have have taken ages to get those looking so slick and cool. Did you intentionally base the look of the smaller hands on babies hands and the larger hands on adults hands? That's how I perceived it, and that level of attention to detail made them incredibly realistic to my eye!
Cormac  Scanlan (

Saturday 23rd June, 2007 at 6:00pm we attended a Private View [of the Key Arts exhibition] at the St Mary-At-The-Quay Gallery on Ipswich Docks. All the works were of the Triptych variety--three panels, etc. Sculptural and audio-visual, man, as well as canvasses. Some were listed as Not For Sale, but this didn't trouble many of the gallery goers.
There were three energetic charcoal drawings of the demolition process of the Cranfield's flour milling concern which had been close by St Mary at the Quay for many years if not a century or two. The swinging ball and tumbling piles were interesting to me as I went for and got a job with them as a lorry driver's mate in 1969. I lasted a day. I could not measure up for another 12 hours of humping flour sacks because I couldn't get out of bed.
Borin Van Loon's line and wash three-parter 'Mail Order Mutations' had a nightmare precision infused with grisly humour. The sort of art you would have to expect from the drawing board of the man who created Bart Dickon.
Louisa Gaylard provided a serene and fitting musical backing with her Aria guitar and mellifluous tonsils.
We left feeling we had learned something about art and could be a little more confident next time in saying that one is shite, this one has something, that one is handiwork beyond the human.
From Keith Dersley's non-blog (

Michael Szczepanski
I came across your painting of the panther, it's beautiful! I was curious if I could the image of the panther for a website I'll be constructing shortly. It has a panther theme so it's very suiting. If not, I understand. I thought I'd be polite and ask. Thank you for your time. Good luck with your talent in painting... I plan on running a small website called "Panther Sweat", I'm aiming for a website that will show some of my own work throughout my portfolio through photography and video...  I'm just a 21 year old sophmore in a community college, just so you know I'm not a guy in a suit looking to score off your awesome painting. Let me know, no rush. If we can work something out, that'd be great. If not, I'll still admire your painting and respect your wishes. You may use any comment from me you'd like, you deserve praise for a painting with such bold character!

Wednesday 17/5/06
James White
Hi Borin, you have some lovely work! I am interested in the Beefheart print and wanted to know how it has been printed, screen print, laser print etc. Many thanks. [They're laser-printed on thick, pearl finish paper]

Thursday 19/1/06

David Locke, Texas, USA,
I am very interested in your synergy painting. Is there any chance I could get a print/copy of that? It is magnificent!

Wednesday 11/1/06
Carrie, Kansas, USA
Hi I recently saw a picture of the rock group KISS for sale on Ebay. It was very interesting. It looked as though Paul was smoking and Gene was stabbing himself. It also looked as though Ace was choking Peter. Have you done any other Kiss pictures. Thank you. [We'll have to get a jpeg of this painting on the site.]

Thursday 29/9/05

Debra Sue Loon; born in South Dakota, 6/6/62; live in "The Heart of Oklahoma"!
Not many Loon's around these parts. I did a search on people and came up with your site; I love it. It's much more my style than the other Loon I found; a pop-rap singer? Anyway, I love your work! It's going in my favorites file...

Tuesday 19/7/05
Trev Dark Art paintings
I have just checked out your artwork on website , nice work i particularly liked the Pontilliste painting device i think this could be really handy.
As an accessory maybe do one, that pours you a Jack Daniels. Cheers...


Adam Van Loon, Boston, MA
I just discovered your site. I like the illustrations. Oddly enough, my brother's name is Robin Van Loon; you guys are anagramatically linked. Ever been to the VL museum in Amsterdam? Anyway, nice to meet you.

Friday 20/08/04

Michael Brook, UK
Surfing the electronic waves as a chap does before a mid morning malibu with Guinness chaser when I happened upon the Chap website and the comic lithographs created by your good self. I tip my hat to you in admiration, sir. [Latter half of this message reconstructed from memory due to editing mishap...]

Thursday 05/08/2004
Lionel E. Goulet, Canada
I have enjoyed your illustrations in the Beginners' series of books. Keep up the good work. LIONEL(;-D).

Wednesday 21/07/04
Ken Lowe, Melbourne Australia
Just wandering through after having read Buddha for Beginners by Jane Hope and happily illustrated by yourself. I am keen to discuss getting something done by you for a proposal I am submitting and have written separately to you on this. Good work - cheers, Ken

Hazel Steenman (Van Loon)
Dear Borin: We may be relatives! I am in Canada, my mother is Justina Joanna Van Loon, from Heemstede, Netherlands. I have an Aunt Dominica in Almelo and and Aunt Francis in Palm Beach, Australia. Please write back in either case of being a relative or not, It will be good to see your message. Thanks! [One of a smattering of Van Loons who get in touch; I usually direct them to John Van Loon on the Links list.]

Sunday 22/02/04
Jesper Larsen, Denmark
I am building a danish (non profit) website on optical illusions. The site will contain illusions and other interesting things to look at. Is it possible for me to use one of your illustrations on this site? Your name will of course be mentioned on the site and there will also be a link to your own website. The illustration in question is the one where some ink-dots transform into a loon (6 small images). I think it's very good. Art and drawing! - could anything be more important? (The image is here the answer was in the affirmative. We look forward to seeing the site and adding a link to our page.)

Sunday 11/1/04
Sally Kibble
What a good web site! I agree totally about not letting the b****rs grind you down and am thinking that I will just do it myself. It is just a bit daunting getting started - trying to find a printer who can help etc. Still it's the new year's resolution.

Wednesday 17/12/03
Carol Gesbeck
Comment : there are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.... actually its just nice to see someone taking an interest in things like this. capital. (This was actually placed on our sister site's Guestbook, but we liked it and it led onto Carol's fuller exposition ...)
Do you think its possible to invent a kind of surrealist mathematics? One where you get to use symbols and mathematical equations to make cartoons about life and the universe and the politics of human interaction? A sort of reinvention of the uses of equations. It would make for some strange cartooning, dont you think?
But you'd have to invent the whole language of it before you thought about what kind of stories you would tell, wouldn't you? It's something I'm working on.
I was just wondering what your thoughts would be on this subject - having illustrated things of a scientific nature, and being a lover of the obscure and big questions and all that. What do you think? (Needless to say, a fuller dicussion ensued ...)

Tuesday 2/12/03

Gerry Toomey
Hi Borin, I see on your website you were asking about the "dog kennel" in the foreground of the dome photo. It's actually a little wooden model I built to guide me during construction of the main dome. But Jack the Cat now uses it as sleeping quarters on hot summer days. Yes, it gets really hot in Quebec in summer -- and really cold in winter. A range of about +30 to -30 degrees C. Cheers, Gerry Toomey, Chelsea, Canada. (Gerry refers to his photos on the domes page.)

Monday 27/10/03

I am interested in reading more of the 'introducing' series but it's hard to find them all in one place and one time. Lots of titles to chose from. Thanks! (See our Links page for the Icon Books link.)

Friday 24/10/2003

nice site

Drew Walker
Loved the cartoons of Shad, our stray (Emmott) remarkably similar...

Sunday 14/09/2003
just looked up your name on google after reading Introducing Buddha. I loved the illustrations - really brought the book to life. Thanks!

Saturday 23/08/2003
Steve Overbury
Borin, you are a genius but I knew that 11 years ago when you provided some Roy of the Rogers strips for my magazine, the now sadly defunct On Satellite (I think we paid you for them). You also did some lovely astrological signs for us that somebody liked so much they stole from me. I'd like to get a signed print of a comic or something. Do you have something lying around? Regards, Steve. (Steve's message reminds us to include some 'Roy of the Rogers' strips in the Loon Comix Archive shortly.)

17/07/2003 17.04
Chris Van Loon
Hi, I happened upon your page because I have the same last name as you, which - at least in the states - is pretty rare. I love your artwork, especially the loon page!

20/06/2003 18:56
Robert Ladyman, Scotland
Nice to come across some sites that gently commemorate Barsham and Bungay fairs. I thought I felt old recently, but seeing photos from so long ago, makes me feel like I could do it all again. Thanks. [Robert refers to comments on the 'Cycling Through Suffolk' page.]

Wednesday 04/06/2003, 05:11

hi. i am a 6th form student currently diong art A-level and i have to do a case study on a working artist. i was wondering if you wouldn't mind answering a few questions. please email me back and let me know if you have the time. many thanks kirsty scanlon [Needless to say the answer is 'yes'.]

Wednesday 19/02/2003

Comments: A lack of genetic build-up allowed me to appreciate the site ... I now tremble, nervously, as I know there are more out there, as confused as me. I want HELP, not more conspirators ...

Thursday 13/02/2003
paul lundeen
Comments: Just ran across your website and love the content! Will check back frequently. Thanks :P

Friday 7/2/2003
Gerry Toomey, Quebec, Canada
Message: Dear Mr. Van Loon, Just a quick note so say how much I enjoyed your little book, Geodesic Domes. If it's intended for children, then I guess I'm a big kid. Anways, the book has inspired me to build three small geodesic domes here in Quebec, Canada. Best wishes, GT. [Gerry ver kindly sent photos of the domes and a longer message: see the Geodesic Domes page.]

Tuesday 24/1/2003
hellokitty' (no other details)
Comments: Hello I'm just a random biology student who came across a book you'd illustrated for (Genetics For Beginners). The book is absloutely brilliant, especially the cartoons, it definitely made Genetics more fun to read about! Thanx for liberating us students from the mononous text books. And being an 'arty' person my self, I wish I can draw like you!!!!!! [:)] (Borin's reply: no email left , so here goes - a comment like this somehow makes it all worthwhile. Thanks.)

Thursday 3/10/2002
Antony Cooper (Funky Science), Location: Denver, Colorado, USA
Comments: Hi Borin, Great site. I'll send you the Hi-Res specs for David's drawings by e-mail direct.

Wednesday 17/4/02
skett sketterson, Location: far away
Comments: top darts my man... not seen work like this since the early days.. stick in youll do well.

Paul Murphy, Location: (unknown), UK
Is Boris (sic) Van Loon related to the Professor Hendrik Van Loon who wrote A HISTORY OF MANKIND? (Borin's reply: No, but he's something of a mentor.)

Monday 18/2/02
Jeanie Tarver, Location: (unknown), USA
I was wanting information to find out if this Borin was in the family of Borin mfg of Chicago as I have a print of a woman sitting with bandaged head holding a broken harp with a shooting star over her head and was wanting to find out the artist. Please let me know info if this is same person or family. (Borin's reply: Extraordinary. I have not got a clue about the picture, but I'm dying to see it. If you can send a scan of it to this email, I'll do a bit of digging... It turned out to be the Victorian painting 'Hope' by Frederick Watts.)

Saturday 16/2/02
Marion Sudds, Location: Suffolk, UK
This site was so interesting! You really hide your light under a bushell!! Amazing work, Sonali and I really liked your hair in the self portrait! I have told everyone about your website!!! so we have all had a look at the wonderful work you have been doing!!

Friday 25/1/02
Rebecca Kyle Location: Anchorage, AK, USA
The Chap and his fascination with semiotics brought me over. Bravo friend, you've got panache.

Sunday 12/23/2001
Al Young, West Sussex, UK
Brilliant site, keep up the good work. Your art is excellent.

Wednesday 10/03/2001
Sam Gibson, Belfast, Northern Ireland
I was wondering if it is possible to purchase a copy of the Captain beefheart painting?
If so how and how much?
(This enquiry led us to start making the print available to collectors in a signed limited edition, see the Beefheart painting page.)

Saturday 07/28/2001

Antoine Vélu, Palaiseau, France
Hi, I am the translator of the French version of "Introducing genetics" in French ("La Génétique sans Aspirine") (I'm not responsible for that title!) I just wanted to thank you and Steve Jones for this very good book I really enjoyed to translate. It's the kind of book that makes me love my job. It's far better than "Introducing Chaos" that I translated this year... far better. Will you illustrate other books in this collection in the future? And do you now if Steve Jones will write other ones?

Friday 07/06/2001
David Grinspoon, Denver, Colorado URL:
Scientist and Author
I greatly admire your work. I am a published author working on my second popular science book. You can check out the first, Venus Revealed, at the URL given above.
Question: Are you for hire as an illustrator? I don't know if I can afford you, but your style would be perfect for my new book on the natural philosophy of alien life, to be published by HarperCollins. Perhaps I could commision a piece or two? Alternatively, or perhaps in addition, is it possible to get permission to reprint any of your brilliant illustrations from DNA for Beginners? (We may attempt to include 'DNA for Beginners' on this site soon, despite it's having been caught up in lengthy litigation.)

Sunday 06/24/2001

Elise Tapper (nee van Loon)
Just being nosy about van Loons (Oddly enough, we get a few enquiries from browsers searching for 'Loon' and 'Van Loon'.)

Wednesday 05/02/2001

Michael Might
This is a longshot here, but my Grandmother has a couple of Van Loon paintings,and I am trying to trace their origin, I know they were done overseas, most likely in Germany, in the early to mid 1900's; they are portraits of clowns, if you have any knowing of them, I would appreciate a response. They are signed Van Loon.

Tuesday 05/01/2001
mok h k, singapore
i like your illustraions,they are so lifely,so dynamic,and got so many suprise!!!!

Thursday 02/08/2001
Grant Pringle, Scotland
HAPPY NEW YEAR, SIR. Nice to see you're still alive and coming up with the goods. I, too, am alive. SUN ZOOM SPARK died a slow, gruesome death and, phoenix-like, DAWN OF THE REPLICANTS emerged. Some reckoned we rocked... Hope you're well.

Michelle McGee, Durham, NC - USA
Just finished Introducing Buddha. Wonderful work.
I'm working on bioenergy, reality and the daily emergence of life, all with a Neptunian scientist bent. How does one approach you about collaboration if one is on another continent and maybe even on another page but wanting to entice you over for a bit of a intellectual design frollic? Of course, my publisher is also on Neptune ... Nonetheless, I am curious about your work and its process and I can tell you more about mine, or not. My little son is sleeping but my husband just started crying so I best be going.

Quite an inspired mind captured in these pages ... glad he's managed to keep his intact, you know, with all the disembodied heads around and all. Keep up the great work Borin (The latter comment a tribute, no doubt, to 'A Severed Head')

Wednesday 11/01/2000

Ian Martin, Cornwall, UK
Looking to find out whatever happened to the books issued under the Writers and Readers label.... I have two of them and wondered if there are more still available...

Sunday 10/22/2000
Graham Weir. From - Ultimately: The Big Bang
Well I'm in your page -- now to look it over -- and it looks promising!
See ya!

Monday 09/11/2000
Franz Sidney, Norwich and Italy
Hi Borin, I hope you are doing well! I went to the Birmingham NEC lastweek and I met a friend of yours, named Anne Wild. She illustrates beautiful romantic country style little things. She said she knows you and to say hi! And she gave me her catalogue (great stuff)
Gosh, aren't you famous!

Thursday 07/06/2000
Christopher E, Springfield, MA
Great page .. lots of odd stuff. I loved the "Severed Head" comic, very bizzare. Hope to see more stuff from here soon :)

Tuesday 05/02/2000
A Smiffy, Ipswich UK
Just dropped by again Borin, via the Creative Freelance website, and looked through all the Introducing stuff: one word "stunning" and great layout, great stuff, don't you ever sleep..? Amuse and provoke... in equal measures.

Thursday 02/17/2000
Ken Redsell, Trimley, Suffolk, UK
Hi Borin. Good site, another winner! Look forward to March 30th Freelance meeting. Now trying to find Freelance site.

Friday 07/09/1999
Jonathan Evitt, London
Had a look as promised. Very impressed with illustrations etc.

Friday 06/04/1999
Simon, Icon Books, Cambridge, UK
I liked the illustration for Introducing Media Studies. As you may or may not know, we've linked your site from ours.

Sunday 05/16/1999
Mark Wilkinson, Suffolk (just!), UK
Hi BVL, surfed on in and it all comes up great now. I still love the Beefheart pic, it makes me want to go all fast and bulbous.

Wednesday 05/12/1999
Mike Motteram, Suffolk, UK
Looks fine but some images didnt download and wallpaper was a tad overpowering.
Keep on keeping on.
created by yourself - good egg all round. Enjoyed the Tate Modern shows and other aspects. Will doff my hat to you.

Borin Van Loon quotations on bicycles appear in

The Quotable Cyclist edited by Bill Strickland. Breakaway Books
360 pages, $20, hardcover, ISBN: 1-55821-563-8

A George Herriman link!
* - Reviews: Comix by Borin Van Loon. Well, some other stuff than ignatzmouse , but only good stuff !
( - An Ignatz Mouse fansite)

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©2004 Copyright throughout this site belongs to Borin Van Loon