Borin Van Loon: Intro Psychotherapy Introducing Psychotherapy

Icon Books (UK), Totem Books (USA). Published April, 2003

Written by Nigel C. Benson, Illustrated / designed by Borin Van Loon
Psychotherapy is now hardly contentious, an accepted safety net for the perils of modern life. But what - really - is it all about? Nigel C.Benson offers a unique summary of this complex profession, focusing on the main types of therapies. An essential for everyone with an emotional life. (Nigel also wrote and illustrated the best selling 'Introducing Psychology' for Icon Books which can be seen as a companion volume to this one.)

This is Borin's newest title in the 'Introducing' series. Dealing with an astonishing range of therapies, counselling and complementary techniques this book provides a valuable summary of the 'talking cures' of psychoanalysis, behavioural and cognitive techniques, somatic solutions, humaninst, gestalt and existential approaches individual and group therapies. Introducing Psychotherapy is a comprehensive guide for anyone who wants to understand more about the subject, whether approaching it for the first time or expanding on existing knowledge. Useful for anyone seeking help for themselves or others (including parents and other carers), it also provides important theory and practice for those considering training to be counsellors or therapists, and any other students or professionals concerned with welfare.

Another first for Borin: an entirely hand-drawn 'Introducing' book from start to finish. There's only one tiny collaged piece: a reflexology chart by Native Americans. Populated by strange little blobs of humanity looking like inverted lightbulbs with enormous noses, the approach is probably one of his most accessible titles in the series: funny, irreverant and, we hope, inspirational. The author describes it thus: "A unique feature of Introducing Psychotherapy is the cartoon style of the celebrated illustrator Borin Van Loon, who currently has 25 books in print displaying his graphical talents ... 'I'm really pleased with the way Borin has brought out the wit and humour of my book,' says Nigel. 'Psychotherapy, of course, is a serious subject and it deals with some heavy issues but these have been made easier to understand and digest through the use of Borin's entertaining characters ...'."

Freud: Psychodynamic Forefather (left) and the Mae West view of therapy (right)

And a sample spread on the subject of the closure of the asylums and release into 'Care in the community':


(5 stars) Reviewer: T.Bossino, 10 Nov 2009
If you are looking to have a career in this field, this book will guide you in a concise way through the various types of counselling and its uses. If you are a visual learner the graphical approach will suit you really well. It is entertaining and very informative. I found that it gave me a brilliant overview to psychotherapy and counselling and I should imagine, if you are considering counselling for yourself, it would provide you with most of your options and assist you in finding what would be best for you.

Recommended readings: General Texts on Psychotherapy
Nigel Benson and Borin van Loon: "Introducing Psychotherapy" 2003. ISBN 1 84046 441 0.
Brief, Readable in a couple of hours (cartoon-style!) and humorous. Aimed at non-professionals.

(5 Stars) Excellent summary of psychotherapy!, December 7, 2003
Reviewer: mrharrywebb from London, UK
Introducing Psychotherapy is a superb follow-up to Introducing Psychology (by the same author). This sensitively illustrated book not only includes conventional approaches (ie psychoanalysis, cognitive and behavioural therapies, etc) but it also manages to include a useful summary of alternative / complementary therapies (eg spiritual and energy based techniques). As well as being an ideal introduction for anyone wanting to study this broad subject, or even take it up as a career, it is a very handy reference book for anyone just wanting to look up key topics and get a quick understanding. Thoroughly recommended!

(5 stars)Highly recommened introduction to Psychotherapy, June 7, 2003
Reviewer: Jonathan Maher from Rochdale, Lancashire United Kingdom
Introducing Psychotherapy like so many of the introducing series brings to life a fansicating topic that you may have read about in a stuffy old textbook or heard about on the television Through a perfect balance of humour and comicbook pictures and text psychotherapy comes alive as a powerful and useful set of talking treatments used to treat mental disorders. Psychotherapy is a huge topic and one that is widely misunderstood often being mistaken for 'counselling' which is a unique part of psychotherapy.
The authors chart the course of psychotherapy through the ages, how it has developed into hundreds of different treatments, what they aim to do and the mental disorders they aim to treat. The book is fanscinating and is the ideal starting point for anyone wanting to do psychotherapy or for anyone embarking on working in mental health and for those with many years of experience.

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