trail' (oil on
Cover painting for John Timpson's debut novel.

(oil on paper)
Cover painting for the sequel
novel by John Timpson.
Borin's commentary:
"Taking my cue from Brian Cook, the precocious cover designer for so
many Batsford hardbacks of the forties and fifties, the wraparound dust
jacket has the potential to provide four views:
a. front cover
b. spine
c. back cover
d. whole cover opened out (not to mention the inner flaps, of course)
Having visited the Hutchinson art director, Patrick McCreeth, to show
him my portfolio in my early days as a freelance illustrator, after
some years (!) I received a 'phone call from Paul Sidey, art director
of Frederick Muller (then part of the Hutchinson Group). Apparently
when the subject arose of a cover painting for John Timpson's first
novel based on his experiences as a cub reporter in East Anglia, Paul
had said "If only we could find an East Anglian illustrator..."; Paddy
McCreeth hearing this said: 'I know one - Borin Van Loon - he could do
it" and Jeff Cloves, reader for Muller (with whom, by chance and
completely independently, I'd had a long correspondence years before
when I was struggling to find a way into a creative career) who was
also in the room added: 'I know him... he's good." Such are the chance
occurrences which lead to a speculative 'phone call and a freelance
I received and read the typescript of the relevant chapter of the book.
Having reminded myself of the dimensions of a Demy Octavo book and
allocated 20mm to the putative spine width, the idea of a full size
wraparound cover appealed greatly. I set to with roughs for a rural
Suffolk'ish landscape with a cyclist (the lettering on the
old-fashioned cycle's tradeplate readable) approaching the viewer up a
country lane, as briefed. I've illustrated a lot of cyclists and
bicycles over my career and although those ellipses are a challenge,
this was pretty straightforward (or so I thought). An expansive
skyscape, the sun cutting underneath dark clouds from the right,
hedgerow flowers, two trees in the hedges to delineate the front cover
panel were all included in the delivered rough. A pinkwashed house
would nestle in the trees to coincide with the spine and leave room for
the spine lettering. The first thing to be objected to was the central
tree (the sky needed to be left clear for typography), then the fact
that the cyclist should be smaller, the plate unreadable and he should
be going downhill away from us. And a background tree was still too
big. There followed a to-ing and fro-ing over the legs akimbo posture
of the protagonist on the sit-up-and-beg bicycle. I finally satisfied
the art director and produced my full-scale painting in oils on primed
board-mounted paper - easier for the drum scanners of the time.
All in all there were probably ten roughs: rather more than I would
have liked and each time my painting was getting emptier and emptier,
allegedly to leave plenty of uncluttered background for typography.
Some time later, I chanced to be in Vauxhall Bridge Road at the time
the cover was printed and wrapped around the hardback novel for the
sales force and to send for review. I discovered that my
had been heavily cropped at top and bottom with a dark green background
and, as Jeff Cloves described it, metallic gold, chocolate
lettering. I still think it would have been better with a full-bleed
cover illustration with lettering either floating against sky and road
backgrounds (as I had originally intended) or in panels in the same
positions. But then I would, wouldn't I? However, I had the original
painting returned to me, so I can show it in full here.
Some time
later I attended a Suffolk Book League talk
by John Timpson at Ipswich School and introduced myself to get my copy
signed; the former Radio 4 Today Programme presenter was as charming as
you might expect and I went on to paint a cover for his second novel
'Sound tracks' (also shown above). This time the available print area
was a long, thin wraparound strip to match the design of 'Paper trail'.
The requirement was for a steam engine arriving at Toftham railway
station to take our hero to his new job at the BBC. The Norfolkman
locomotive billowing steam and smoke made a great subject to paint, the
gas lamp standard was placed to sit on the spine of the book and one of
the advertising hoardings on the posters featured Broadcasting House. A
dazzling East Anglian cloudless sky and crosswind made striking
Sadly, there was to be no third novel in the planned trilogy, but it
was fun while it lasted.
Above left: Borin's
display screen in The Big Draw exhibition, atrium of Endeavour House,
Ipswich, Suffolk in October, 2008 which features a blow-up of the Paper Trail cover painting. Also
shown: a collage comic strip page, Bung
Ho, Blokes! from The Bart Dickon Omnibus.
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