Butterfly thumbnail

Borin Van Loon: Butterfly on a branding iron (whole)
Butterfly on a branding-iron
(Oil on board with mixed media 2006-2008, 2'x4')

Details below:

Borin Van Loon: Butterfly 1aa Borin Van Loon: Butterfly 2a Borin Van Loon: Butterfly 3a Borin Van Loon: Butterfly 4a Borin Van Loon: Papillon 5a  Borin Van Loon: Butterfly 6a Borin Van Loon: Butterfly 7a Borin Van Loon: Butterfly 8a Borin Van Loon: Butterfly 9a Borin Van Loon: Butterfly 10a  Borin Van Loon: Butterfly 11a Borin Van Loon: Butterfly 12a Borin Van Loon: Butterfly 13a Borin Van Loon: Butterfly 14a
This large-scale work by Borin Van Loon was exhibited for the first time in May 2008. Here are some snapshots of parts of the work added over time to this mini gallery prior to the public exhibition of the whole painting. The reference points of this work centre around a scene from the 1973 Steve McQueen/Dustin Hoffman film 'Papillon' where the eponymous late actor is imprisoned in an underground cell, jumps up and grips the bars, hauls himself up to glare in defiance and deliver the immortal line: 'I'M STILL HERE, YOU BASTARDS'. Rendering of the colours and textures on the surface of the painting utilizes discreet marks, arabesques, lozenges, dashes, leaf shapes and random squiggles drawing inspiration from the pointillism of Seurat and mark-making of a variety of artists. The lettering of the dialogue from the film is created using a basic lettering stencil, the characters being cut from mounting board, the edges blackened with indian ink, then Araldited into position. The faces of the letters were then individually painted with marks to encourage them to be camouflaged against the backgrounds. The artist atests that the use of this piece of dialogue has no subtext, nor implication as to his own philosophical position.

The painting was exhibited at
Ipswich Art Society 131st Annual Open Exhibition, Robert Cross Hall, Ipswich Corn Exchange in May 2008.

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